The Journey of Lent

Every year, the Church invites us into a season of repentance, fasting and refocusing on Jesus as we prepare for Holy Week and the coming celebration of Easter. This season is called Lent. It begins with Ash Wednesday as a time of repentance, reflection and the reminder of how desperate we are for the grace of God. As we journey through the season of Lent, we practice both abstaining and engaging as a way of drawing near to God both individually and communally. In abstaining through fasting, we practice endurance and sacrifice as we look to the sacrifice of Jesus on Good Friday. In engaging with practices such as generosity, prayer, and Scripture reading, we refocus our minds, hearts and lives on the things of the Kingdom and the King himself.

We invite you to join with the community of RCC, along with the global Church, in practicing the way of Jesus this Lenten season. Below are a few ways you can participate with our communal Lenten practices at RCC this year.

Ways to participate.

  • READ

    Join us in reading through all 4 gospels during Lent. Access the Bible Reading Plan by clicking the button below.

  • PRAY

    Think of 5 people in your life that need the resurrection hope of Jesus.

    Make it a practice to pray for them by name during this season of Lent and consider inviting them to church on Easter Sunday. Download and print the card to keep in a visible place.

  • GIVE

    This year we have two giving campaigns for the season of Lent.

    From 3/5 - 3/23 we will be collecting size 5 & 6 diapers in bulk for Community’s Child. Additionally, they are in need of financial donations to cover the cost of the truck that will supply them with free food for the community. You can give below.

    From 3/24-4/20 we will be collecting food for the Watt’s Powerhouse Food Pantry. Food list will be posted soon.

  • FAST

    What will I set aside in this season?

    Examples may include: a category of food (ie. sugar, alcohol), a specific meal each week, social media, television, a hobby , etc.



Every Sunday - Worship Gathering @ 10am

March 5 - Ash Wednesday

Join us for a night of worship, reflection & repentance.

RCC HQ @ 6:30pm.

April 13 - Palm Sunday Baptisms

Sunday service @ Eshelman Elementary School

Baptisms & Lunch @ the Graham’s home

Stations of the Cross - A Meditative, Prayerful, Self-Guided Experience

Corridor Flow Coffee Shop - Open to the Public 5:30-7:30pm

April 18 - Good Friday

April 20 - Easter Sunday

Easter Service @ Eshelman Elementary School

April 17 - Passover Seder

Join us for a Passover Seder as we share a meal and explore the deep significance of Passover.

RCC HQ @ 6:30pm - Register Online