Voting Members

What does it mean to become a voting member at RCC?

We believe that one way we can follow Jesus into radical discipleship is by having a counter-cultural commitment to our church community. If you have made a commitment to follow Jesus and have decided to make Remembrance Community Church your home church, we want to invite you to become a Voting Member. As a Voting Member, you will receive quarterly email updates about important issues in our church body as well as be invited to our Annual Voting Members Gathering where we celebrate what God has done over the past year, look forward to where he is leading us in the year to come and vote on a few key decisions.

To become a voting member:

  1. Watch the video

  2. View our statement of faith

  3. Fill out the membership application

  • Our next Voting Members Gathering is June 2, 2024 at 4pm.