Lent: Week 4 - Matthew 20 - 22
As we reflect this Lenten season, we look at the life and sacrifice of Christ. If we want to know more about the God of the Universe, we look at Jesus. How He lived His life. How He treated people. In reading through these chapters, we reflect on culture, power, and comparison. It can be easy to get caught up in a “life’s not fair” mentality. I know I can quickly compare my life to other’s. Our world preaches comparison and a love of power while Christ exemplifies humility and selflessness. Matthew 20:26-27 says "Whoever wants to be great must become a servant. Whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave.” We then later see our humble Lord ride in on a donkey. Our Christ wasn’t at all what they were expecting, but was everything they needed. A society hungry for power, was met with a humble Jesus full of truth, justice, and mercy.
Over and over again, we see Jesus “deeply moved” (Matthew 20:34) with compassion for others. Jesus is moved with compassion when others aren’t. When others turn a blind eye, or are apathetic, Christ enters in. I am convinced, that the more we learn about Jesus and how He lived His life, the more we are “deeply moved” to display the Kingdom of God in the ways we love and serve others. As we grow in our communication and connectedness to the Savior, the more we are propelled towards action and outward focus.
In Matthew 22, we read about the two greatest commandments; to love God and to love others. I have been asking myself what that looks like in this season. I definitely have room to grow in my obedience to these commandments. Are you tired? Are you weary? I am. How do we love God and love others in difficult seasons? My hope is that the more I learn about Christ’s compassion for others, the more my heart would align with His. I hope that as I seek to grow in relationship with Him, the more easily I would be able to tune out the world’s call to power and status.
As I reflect on these chapters I am left with these questions….
What stirs in our hearts as we read about Christ's life?
How does knowing the character of Christ move me to grow in my own faith & relationship with Christ?
In what ways does Christ’s humility & servant heartedness propel me to love & serve my neighbors?
How might I do this practically?
How does knowing the character of Christ teach me how to display His Kingdom?
How is my fast going?
Do I need to start over and receive grace?
How will I practice generosity this week? Choose one practical way.
What is my area of focus for prayer this week?
Daily Readings
◻ MONDAY : Matthew 20:1-19
◻ TUESDAY : Matthew 20:20-34
◻ WEDNESDAY : Matthew 21:1-17
◻ THURSDAY : Matthew 21:18-27
◻ FRIDAY : Matthew 21:28-22:14
◻ SATURDAY : Matthew 22:15-22
◻ SUNDAY : Matthew 22:23-46
Daily Practice
Sit for one minute in silence & stillness before God. Offer a simple prayer of presence such as, "Here I am, Lord."
Read the daily passage.
Re-read the passage and reflect on what stands out to you. What do you notice? What questions or emotions does it bring up?
Bring what you noticed in the reading or in your reflecting to the Lord. Ask him to continue to illuminate what you've read throughout your day. End with a minute of resting in his presence in silence & stillness.