Lent: Week 2 - Matthew 16 + 17
Day after day the disciples walked with Jesus. They listened, observed, & worked beside Him. Yet still they had questions. Doubts. Insecurities. They missed the point of Jesus’ lessons time after time, especially when what they heard or saw was just so indescribable, or even confusing. They questioned & tried to make connections to make sense of what they saw and heard and what it meant for their lives.
What grace in Jesus’ responses to them. He was not surprised or threatened by their questions, nor is He by ours. He sees & accepts our questioning & our weakness & gently & clearly provides the answers that we need.
Ponder with me through the questions we encounter in these two chapters:
We search for meaning, for connections. We want to understand ourselves & the world around us, & we are especially interested in understanding the future.
Can I look to the sky and find answers in the clouds or the stars? Perhaps in gazing at the heavens the weight of my questions will feel lighter.
We search for how to understand each other & those we follow. We know that not everyone is as honest as we may hope. Searching for someone to emulate, we ask, scroll, observe, & critique our lives and those of whom we watch.
Is there an honest being to be found? Can I trust the intention of anyone's actions?
We want to understand God. We have more questions about Him than we do about all other people & things.
God, can I really know You? Do I want to? Who are You and what are You like?
We want to know how to live the best kind of life. We know that each day passes quickly & there are many ways to spend our time & many subjects that capture our attention.
How do I know that the way I am living is the right way? How do I know that I'm not wasting my minutes, hours, & days?
Jesus doesn’t leave us wondering. He doesn’t abandon us to live searching for hidden or obscure answers.
He responds:
You know how to tell if it’s going to rain & you are familiar with feeling of the warm sun on your skin. You can find me in creation, but I have also made Myself clearly known to you through those who wrote about Me. Ask, & read My Word.
Come find Me there.
Many people are putting on a show, not living honestly & hungering after that which will not satisfy. Maybe you are too. I will always tell You the truth about yourself & about Me. I will always satisfy.
Come & be filled.
I have not hidden who I am from you. I am very much alive- always seeing, always listening, always working. I am the Chosen One who is totally God & totally man. If you could see My face, My power & glory is so great you would be afraid. I want you to fear Me, but not be afraid.
I will bend down to be near to You.
Come & know Me.
Want to live assured that you aren’t wasting your time? Put everything you got on Me.
Cast every minute, every intention My way & I promise it won’t be wasted.
Lose it all on Me & I will give you everything You truly need.
Come & be found.
How is my fast going?
Do I need to start over and receive grace?
How will I practice generosity this week? Choose one practical way.
What is my area of focus for prayer this week?
Daily Readings
◻ MONDAY : Matthew 16:1-12
◻ TUESDAY : Matthew 16:13-20
◻ WEDNESDAY : Matthew 16:21-23
◻ THURSDAY : Matthew 16:24-28
◻ FRIDAY : Matthew 17:1-13
◻ SATURDAY : Matthew 17:14-23
◻ SUNDAY : Matthew 17:24-27
Daily Practice
Sit for one minute in silence & stillness before God. Offer a simple prayer of presence such as, "Here I am, Lord."
Read the daily passage.
Re-read the passage and reflect on what stands out to you. What do you notice? What questions or emotions does it bring up?
Bring what you noticed in the reading or in your reflecting to the Lord. Ask him to continue to illuminate what you've read throughout your day. End with a minute of resting in his presence in silence & stillness.