Lent: Week 1 - Matthew 14 + 15

When I was 20, I moved to Norway. I knew only a handful of Norwegian words and not no chance communicating in the native language. My task upon arrival was to build both a community for myself and learn the local language. To my surprise, I was able to connect and develop friendships quite immediately – but there were some who would never speak a word of English to me, even though they could have. I put a lot of effort into learning the language. I was thoroughly embarrassed countless times. Within a couple months, I was fluent in everyday conversation (insert a pat on my back). But there was something bigger and much more beautiful that had taken place.

My friends, and numerous strangers and acquaintances, were listening for what I was saying correctly, not focusing on my mistakes. They made effort to pull Norwegian from the rubble that came rolling off my tongue. They probably wouldn’t have described it this way, but they had compassion for me. They loved me. My community did life with me. They met me much more than halfway. Of course they teased me; we  laughed  together  more than anything  else. But  they also corrected me… gently. They knew my weaknesses, but they did not exploit them or mock me.

When Jesus was pursued by the crowds who were desperate for him, he had compassion for them (Matthew 14:14). Jesus gave the crowds what they needed, and they were satisfied (Matthew 15:37). Jesus meets us way more than halfway! A few lines from the hymn What A Friend We Have In Jesus came flooding into my mind as I read through Matthew chapters 14 and 15:

What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear!

What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.

Can we find a friend so faithful, who will all our sorrows share?

Jesus knows our every weakness, take it to the Lord in prayer.

Scripture makes it clear that our Heavenly Father, and His Son, Jesus, examine the heart. Jesus looked at the heart of the Canaanite woman and saw great faith (Matthew 15:28). He considered the hearts of the Pharisees and scribes and saw blind fools (Matthew 15:14). Jesus’ closest community of friends constantly misunderstood and seemed to have a talent for forgetting what they had been shown. But time and time again, we see that Jesus responds by loving them. He corrected his disciples. He corrects me. He will correct you. But he is moved by our troubles. He has compassion for our weakness. He shows us patience and pity – though we don’t always recognize it. Best of all, he corrects gently and forgives.

What a friend we have in Jesus!


How is my fast going?

Do I need to start over and receive grace?

How will I practice generosity this week? Choose one practical way.

What is my area of focus for prayer this week?

Daily Readings

◻ MONDAY : Matthew 14:1-12

◻ TUESDAY : Matthew 14:13-21

◻ WEDNESDAY : Matthew 14:22-36

◻ THURSDAY : Matthew 15:1-9

◻ FRIDAY : Matthew 15:10-20

◻ SATURDAY : Matthew 15:21-28

◻ SUNDAY : Matthew 15:29-39

Daily Practice


Sit for one minute in silence & stillness before God. Offer a simple prayer of presence such as, "Here I am, Lord."


Read the daily passage.


Re-read the passage and reflect on what stands out to you. What do you notice? What questions or emotions does it bring up?


Bring what you noticed in the reading or in your reflecting to the Lord. Ask him to continue to illuminate what you've read throughout your day. End with a minute of resting in his presence in silence & stillness.


Lent: Week 2 - Matthew 16 + 17


An Introduction to Lent