Support our Missionaries
Jenna Walmsley
Jenna Walmsley has been on full time Young Life staff for over seven years. She is currently the Area Director of the Los Angeles Harbor area. She has worked with many different kinds of kids but has always had a heart for broken and under-served communities. Throughout her time on staff she has worked with many students who have been in gangs, are on probation, kids who are currently or have been incarcerated, teen moms, etc. Her passion and heart lies with students who are on the margins. Her favorite part about her job is mentoring and walking alongside kids who are in all different seasons of life. Every kid deserves to hear about and experience the love of Jesus! You support goes towards things like sending kids to summer camp, dinner for club meetings, school supplies, annual budget, and to help meet the needs of our students.
Markus Ritchie
Markus plays drums for Christafari and moved to California from Missouri to join the band. To support Markus financially, click the link below and select his name in the menu.